OTU picking in micca

To characterize the taxonomic structure of the samples, the sequences are organized into Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) at varying levels of identity. An identity of 97% represent the common working definition of bacterial species. The otu command assigns similar sequences (marker genes such as 16S rRNA and the fungal ITS region) to operational taxonomic units (OTUs). The command otu wraps VSEARCH for low-level clustering, chimera detection an searching operations.

The otu command returns in a single directory 5 files:


TAB-delimited file, containing the number of times an OTU is found in each sample (OTU x sample, see Supported file formats):

OTU     Mw_01 Mw_02 Mw_03 ...
DENOVO1 151   178   177   ...
DENOVO2 339   181   142   ...
DENOVO3 533   305   63    ...
...     ...   ...   ...   ...

FASTA containing the representative sequences (OTUs):


TAB-delimited file which maps the OTU ids to original sequence ids:

    DENOVO2 IS0AYJS04JL6RS;sample=Mw_01
    DENOVO3 IS0AYJS04H4XNN;sample=Mw_01

TAB-separated file, three-columns, where each column contains: the matching sequence, the representative (seed) and the identity (if available), see Definition of identity:

IS0AYJS04JE658;sample=Mw_01; IS0AYJS04I4XYN;sample=Mw_01 99.4
    IS0AYJS04JPH34;sample=Mw_01; IS0AYJS04JVUBC;sample=Mw_01 98.0
    IS0AYJS04I67XN;sample=Mw_01; IS0AYJS04JVUBC;sample=Mw_01 99.7
(only for ‘denovo_greedy’, ‘denovo_swarm’ and ‘open_ref’ mathods, when -c/--rmchim is specified) FASTA file containing the chimeric otus.


Trimming the sequences to a fixed position before clustering is strongly recommended when they cover partial amplicons or if quality deteriorates towards the end (common when you have long amplicons and single-end sequencing), see Quality filtering.


De novo OTUs are renamed to DENOVO[N] and reference OTUs to REF[N].

Clustering strategies

otu implements several state-of-the-art clustering strategies:

De novo greedy

In denovo greedy clustering (parameter --method denovo_greedy), sequences are clustered without relying on an external reference database, using an approach similar to the UPARSE pipeline (https://doi.org/10.1038/nmeth.2604) and tested in https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.1466v1. otu includes in a single command dereplication, clustering and chimera filtering:

  1. Dereplication. Predict sequence abundances of each sequence by dereplication, order by abundance and discard sequences with abundance value smaller than DEREP_MINSIZE (option --derep-minsize recommended value 2);
  2. Greedy clustering. Distance (DGC) and abundance-based (AGC) strategies are supported (option --greedy, see https://doi.org/10.1186/s40168-015-0081-x and https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.1466v1 ). Therefore, the candidate representative sequences are obtained;
  3. Chimera filtering (optional). Remove chimeric sequences from the representatives performing a de novo chimera detection (option --rmchim, recommended);
  4. Map sequences. Map sequences to the representatives.

Example (requires Quality filtering in Single-end sequencing to be done):

micca otu -m denovo_greedy -i filtered.fasta -o denovo_greedy_otus -d 0.97 -c -t 4


Sequences are clustered against an external reference database and reads that could not be matched are discarded. Example (requires Quality filtering in Single-end sequencing to be done):

Download the reference database (Greengenes), clustered at 97% identity:

wget ftp://ftp.fmach.it/metagenomics/micca/dbs/gg_2013_05.tar.gz
tar -zxvf gg_2013_05.tar.gz

Run the closed-reference protocol:

micca otu -m closed_ref -i filtered.fasta -o closed_ref_otus -r 97_otus.fasta -d 0.97 -t 4

Simply perform a sequence ID matching with the reference taxonomy file (see classify):

cd closed_ref_otus
micca classify -m otuid -i otuids.txt -o taxa.txt -x ../97_otu_taxonomy.txt


Open-reference clustering (open_ref): sequences are clustered against an external reference database (as in Closed-reference) and reads that could not be matched are clustered with the De novo greedy protocol. Example (requires Quality filtering in Single-end sequencing to be done):

Download the reference database (Greengenes), clustered at 97% identity:

wget ftp://ftp.fmach.it/metagenomics/micca/dbs/gg_2013_05.tar.gz
tar -zxvf gg_2013_05.tar.gz

Run the open-reference protocol:

micca otu -m open_ref -i filtered.fasta -o open_ref_otus -r 97_otus.fasta -d 0.97 -t 7 -c

Run the VSEARCH-based consensus classifier or the RDP classifier (see classify):

cd open_ref_otus
micca classify -m cons -i otus.fasta -o taxa.txt -r ../97_otus.fasta -x ../97_otu_taxonomy.txt -t 4

De novo swarm

In denovo swarm clustering (doi: 10.7717/peerj.593, doi: 10.7717/peerj.1420, https://github.com/torognes/swarm, parameter --method denovo_swarm), sequences are clustered without relying on an external reference database. From https://github.com/torognes/swarm:

The purpose of swarm is to provide a novel clustering algorithm that handles massive sets of amplicons. Results of traditional clustering algorithms are strongly input-order dependent, and rely on an arbitrary global clustering threshold. swarm results are resilient to input-order changes and rely on a small local linking threshold d, representing the maximum number of differences between two amplicons. swarm forms stable, high-resolution clusters, with a high yield of biological information.

otu includes in a single command dereplication, clustering and de novo chimera filtering:

  1. Dereplication. Predict sequence abundances of each sequence by dereplication, order by abundance and discard sequences with abundance value smaller than DEREP_MINSIZE (option --derep-minsize recommended value is 1, i.e. no filtering);
  2. Swarm clustering. Number of differences 1 and the fastidious option are recommended (--swarm-differences 1 --swarm-fastidious).
  3. Chimera filtering (optional). Remove chimeric sequences from the representatives performing a de novo chimera detection (option --rmchim);


Removing ambiguous nucleotides (N) (with the option --maxns 0 in filter) is mandatory if you use the de novo swarm clustering method.

Example (requires Primer trimming in Single-end sequencing to be done):

micca filter -i trimmed.fastq -o filtered.fasta -e 0.5 -m 350 -t --maxns 0
micca otu -m denovo_swarm -i filtered.fasta -o otus_denovo_swarm -c --minsize 1 --swarm-fastidious -t 4

Definition of identity

In micca, the pairwise identity (except for de novo swarm) is defined as the edit distance excluding terminal gaps (same as in USEARCH and BLAST):

\frac{\textrm{\# matching columns}}{\textrm{alignment length} - \textrm{terminal gaps}}