Using Docker (that is, on MS Windows, Mac OS X and Linux!)¶
The easiest way to run micca is through Docker. Docker works similarly to a virtual machine image, providing a container in which all the software has already been installed, configured and tested.
Run the
Docker Quickstart Terminal
(Mac OS X, Windows) or thedocker
daemon (Linux,sudo service docker start
).Download the latest version:
docker pull compmetagen/miccaRun an instance of the image, mounting the host working directory (e.g.
) on to the container working directory/micca
:docker run --rm -t -i -v /Users/davide/micca:/micca -w /micca compmetagen/micca /bin/bashYou need to write something like
-v //c/Users/davide/micca:/micca
if you are in Windows or-v /home/davide/micca:/micca
in Linux. The--rm
option automatically removes the container when it exits.Now you can use micca:
root@68f6784e1101:/micca# micca -h
The RDP classifier is preinstalled in the Docker image, so you can check the
software version by typing echo $RDPPATH
Using pip¶
At the moment, only Python 2.7 is supported.
On Ubuntu >= 12.04 and Debian >=7¶
We suggest to install the following packages through the package manager:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential python-numpy gcc gfortran python-dev libblas-dev liblapack-dev cython pkg-config libfreetype6 libfreetype6-dev libpng-dev
Then, upgrade pip and install setuptools:
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install 'setuptools >=14.0'
Finally, install micca:
sudo pip install micca
On Mac OS X¶
In Mac OS X, we recommend to install Python from Homebrew:
Install the GNU Fortran and the NumPy package:
brew install gcc
pip install numpy
Finally, install micca:
sudo pip install micca
Installation problems¶
BIOM fatal error: ‘numpy/arrayobject.h’. If the installation process returns a message like this:
biom/_filter.c:258:10: fatal error: 'numpy/arrayobject.h' file not found #include "numpy/arrayobject.h" ^ 1 error generated. error: command 'clang' failed with exit status 1
then you need to run:
pip install --global-option=build_ext --global-option="-I/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include/" biom-format
After that you can install the micca package.
Install micca from source¶
In order to install micca from sources (with the standard procedure
python install
), in addition to Python (>=2.7) and NumPy
(>=1.8.0), the following Python packages must be installed:
- SciPy >=0.13.0
- Pandas >=0.17.0
- matplotlib >=1.3.0
- Biopython >=1.50
- cutadapt >=1.9
- biom-format >=1.3.1
The easiest way to install these packages is to is using pip:
sudo pip install 'scipy >=0.13.0' 'pandas >=0.17.0' 'matplotlib >=1.3.0' 'biopython >= 1.50' 'cutadapt >=1.9' 'biom-format >=1.3.1'
Download the latest version from and complete the installation:
tar -zxvf micca-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
sudo python install
If you don’t have root access¶
Install micca in a local directory by specifying the --prefix
argument. Then
you need to set the environment variable PYTHONPATH
python install --prefix=/path/to/modules
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/modules/lib/python{version}/site-packages
In order to export the variable permanently add the command
at the bottom of your ~/.bash_profile
or ~/.bashrc
Testing the installation¶
micca -h
Install RDP classifier (optional)¶
The RDP Classifier is a naive bayesian classifier for taxonomic assignments
( The RDP classifier can be
used in the classify command (option -m/--method rdp
Only RDP Classifier version >2.8 is supported. Install the standard Java or
Java compatible runtime (sudo apt-get install default-jre
Ubuntu/Debian or go to the Oracle Java homepage for OS X)
Download and unzip the file (RDP classifier 2.11 2015-09-14):
Now you must set the environment variable RDPPATH
by typing:
$ export RDPPATH=/path-to-rdp-classifier/rdp_classifier_2.11/
e.g. export RDPPATH=/Users/David/rdp_classifier_2.11
In order to export the variable permanently add the latest command
at the bottom of your .bashrc